Smart Wires Inc.

Series compensation without creating Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) risk

System operators around the world use series compensation to increase transmission capacity on their existing grids. However, many conventional series compensation solutions create Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) on the system which poses a high risk to nearby generating units. In this article, Francesca Madia Mele, explains how SmartValve can deliver series compensation on transmission grids without […]

How our RTDS lab is helping utilities seamlessly integrate SmartValve into their grids

Integrating new technologies on transmission grids can raise concerns for system operators who are responsible for safe reliable operation of the grid. In this article, Francesca Madia Mele explains how Smart Wires uses its on-site RTDS lab to validate specific functionalities of SmartValve before it is deployed on a customer’s grid.  As part of the […]

Rewriting the narrative: how the US is embracing grid enhancing technologies

Regions around the world are embracing the use of technologies that optimize the existing grid..but where is the US in this movement? In this article, Ted Bloch-Rubin discusses the progress of grid enhancing technologies (GETs) in the US and how recent infrastructure bills and federal support are turning the tide and positioning the US to […]

Accelerating renewables in Brazil using FACTS

Disponível em português Brazil’s transmission grid is undergoing huge change as it plans to add 3 to 5 GW of renewables each year over the next decade, at a time when transmission capacity is very limited in the region. In this article our Commercial Manager for Brazil, André Priolli, reflects on the uptake of FACTS […]

Increased cross border power transfers and RES penetration in Greece

The scale of the challenge to deliver net zero networks globally is huge. Some transmission reinforcement options (such as new transmission lines) have a clear future need and a high net present value—and should be progressed as soon as possible. However, there are many others where the future need is highly uncertain. Reinforcement options that […]

Planning transmission network investments in an uncertain world

The scale of the challenge to deliver net zero networks globally is huge. Some transmission reinforcement options (such as new transmission lines) have a clear future need and a high net present value—and should be progressed as soon as possible. However, there are many others where the future need is highly uncertain. Reinforcement options that […]

Combining advanced power flow control and Dynamic Line Rating in Latin America

No one technology is going to be the ‘fix all’ solution to delivering a net zero grid, but instead we need to embrace the powerful synergies that exist between technologies. In this article our VP for Business Development, Mark Norton, explains how a project using advanced power flow control (APFC) and Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) […]